Stupidest tagline ever? This seriously upsets me. I know that on one level the progression of fun-funner-funnest makes sense (think about the dumb-dumber-dumbest copywriters who worked on this ad), but come on! "Funnest" isn't a word.
My name is Linda Johns and I'm a children's book author and a librarian in Seattle. I'm hoping to talk about books and writing here, with occasional digressions. If you'd like to see what I've read recently, stop by my GoodReads page.
Mysterious Alphabet 2010
I'm reading my way through our library's mystery section. There are no rules this time around, and here's where I am so far: Andrews, Donna Balzo, Sandra Cain, James Dunning, John Ellis, David
I'm just so giddy that this blog is being updated that I'm going to let the "funner" thing go.
You are correct. It it not a word.
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